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Endodontic Therapy

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontic Therapy)

Endodontic therapy, also known as root canal treatment, is a dental procedure designed to save a tooth that is severely decayed, infected, or damaged. The procedure involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the inside of the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the canals, and then filling and sealing them to prevent further infection.

Steps Involved in Root Canal Treatment:
  • Diagnosis and Preparation

  • Accessing the Pulp

  • Removing the Infected Pulp

  • Cleaning and Shaping the Canals

  • Filling the Canals

  • Sealing the Tooth

  • Follow-Up Care

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment:

  • Pain Relief: Eliminates the pain caused by an infected or damaged pulp.
  • Tooth Preservation: Saves a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted.
  • Restoration: Restores normal function and appearance of the affected tooth.
  • Prevention: Prevents the spread of infection to surrounding teeth and tissues.

Root canal treatment is a common and effective procedure that can preserve your natural teeth and maintain your oral health. If you experience severe tooth pain, sensitivity, or swelling, consult your dentist to determine if a root canal is necessary.

Don’t wait any longer! Click the link below to book your free consultation now and start your journey to brighter smile. 
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